Tramway SDK
Namespaces | Functions
openal.cpp File Reference

Implementation of the OpenAL Audio backend. More...

#include <audio/api.h>
#include <framework/logging.h>
#include <framework/system.h>
#include <AL/alc.h>
#include <AL/al.h>


namespace  tram
 Serialization, i.e.
namespace  tram::Audio
 System for doing audio related stuff.
namespace  tram::Audio::API
 Audio backend API.


void tram::Audio::API::Init ()
void tram::Audio::API::Update ()
void tram::Audio::API::Uninit ()
void tram::Audio::API::SetListenerPosition (vec3 position)
 Sets the listener position. More...
void tram::Audio::API::SetListenerOrientation (quat orientation)
 Sets the listener orientation. More...
void tram::Audio::API::SetListenerGain (float gain)
audiobuffer_t tram::Audio::API::MakeAudioBuffer (const int16_t *audio_data, int32_t length, int32_t samples, int32_t channels)
 Creates audio buffers from raw audio data. More...
void tram::Audio::API::RemoveAudioBuffer (audiobuffer_t buffer)
 Deletes audio buffers. More...
audiosource_t tram::Audio::API::MakeAudioSource ()
 Creates an audio source. More...
void tram::Audio::API::SetAudioSourcePitch (audiosource_t source, float pitch)
 Sets the pitch of an audio source. More...
void tram::Audio::API::SetAudioSourceGain (audiosource_t source, float gain)
 Sets the gain of an audio source. More...
void tram::Audio::API::SetAudioSourcePosition (audiosource_t source, vec3 position)
 Sets the position of an audio source. More...
void tram::Audio::API::SetAudioSourceVelocity (audiosource_t source, vec3 velocity)
 Sets the velocity of an audio source. More...
void tram::Audio::API::SetAudioSourceRepeating (audiosource_t source, bool repeating)
 Sets the repetition of an audio source. More...
void tram::Audio::API::SetAudioSourceBuffer (audiosource_t source, audiobuffer_t buffer)
 Sets the buffers that the audio source will play. More...
void tram::Audio::API::PlayAudioSource (audiosource_t source)
 Plays an audio source. More...
void tram::Audio::API::PauseAudioSource (audiosource_t source)
 Pauses the audio source. More...
void tram::Audio::API::StopAudioSource (audiosource_t source)
 Stops the audio source. More...
bool tram::Audio::API::IsAudioSourcePlaying (audiosource_t source)
 Checks if an audio source is playing. More...
void tram::Audio::API::RemoveAudioSource (audiosource_t source)
 Deletes an audio source. More...

Detailed Description

Implementation of the OpenAL Audio backend.