Latest version:
Tramway SDK 0.1.0
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What it is and what does it do?

Tramway Drifting and Dungeon Exploration Simulator Software Development Kit consists of approximately 30 000 lines of code. These lines of code have been written, so that you don't have to.

The main goal of this project is to enable the creation of real-time 3D graphics applications. These applications could be video games, virtual reality spaces, various visualizations, etc.

Most of the code of this project is contained in the Tramway SDK runtime. The runtime is implemented as a C++ library, which can be embedded into existing applications, or used as a standalone application, using the Lua API for scripting.

In addition to the runtime, the project also consists of a graphical level editor, 3D content authoring plugins for the Blender 3D modeling application, as well as various commandline utilities.

In the future, the project will be enhanced by the addition of additional applications and utilities.