Latest version:
Tramway SDK 0.1.0
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Displays a 3D model and optionally plays back an animation on it.


Flags | Int32

Bitmask, see flags section.

Model | Name

Name of both the 3D model and the collision model.

Animation | Name

Name of the animation that the model will play. If set to none, no animation will be played and the AnimationComponent won't even be created.



The decoration is locked and prevented from activating.


Select | SELECT

If the decoration isn't locked, it will emit a Selected event.

Activate Once | ACTIVATE_ONCE

If the decoration isn't locked, it will fire the Activate and the Use signals.

Lock | LOCK

Locks the decoration.

Unlock | UNLOCK

Unlocks the decoration.

Toggle | TOGGLE

If an animation is set and is being played, it will be stopped. If it is stopped, it will be restarted.

Kill | KILL

Yeets the entity.

Start | START

If an animation is set, it will be played back.

Stop | STOP

If an animation is being played back, it will be stopped.

Set Animation | SET_ANIMATION

Switches which animation the component will play back. The data pointer of the message needs to be set to a Value which contains the name of the animation to which the switch is happening.


Activate | ACTIVATE

Fired when the entity is activated and isn't locked.

Use | USE

Fired when the entity is activated and isn't locked.