Tramway SDK
Namespaces | Functions | Variables
render.cpp File Reference
#include <framework/core.h>
#include <framework/system.h>
#include <framework/stats.h>
#include <render/render.h>
#include <render/renderer.h>
#include <render/vertices.h>
#include <components/render.h>
#include <components/sprite.h>
#include <components/particle.h>
#include <render/api.h>
#include <config.h>
#include <cstring>


namespace  tram::Render
 High-level Render system API.
namespace  tram
 Serialization, i.e.


void tram::Render::Init ()
 Initializes the rendering system. More...
void tram::Render::Render ()
 Renders a single frame. More...
void tram::Render::SetSunDirection (color_t direction, layer_t layer)
 Sets the sun direction. More...
void tram::Render::SetSunColor (color_t color, layer_t layer)
 Sets the sun color. More...
void tram::Render::SetAmbientColor (color_t color, layer_t layer)
 Sets the ambient color. More...
void tram::Render::SetScreenSize (float width, float height)
void tram::Render::SetViewFov (float fov, layer_t layer)
float tram::Render::GetViewFov (layer_t layer)
void tram::Render::SetOrthoRatio (float ratio, layer_t layer)
void tram::Render::SetViewDistance (float dist, layer_t layer)
float tram::Render::GetViewDistance (layer_t layer)
void tram::Render::SetViewPosition (vec3 position, layer_t layer)
 Sets the view position. More...
void tram::Render::SetViewRotation (quat rotation, layer_t layer)
 Sets the view rotation. More...
vec3 tram::Render::GetViewPosition (layer_t layer)
 Returns the view position for a given layer. More...
quat tram::Render::GetViewRotation (layer_t layer)
 Returns the view rotation for a given layer. More...
void tram::Render::AddLine (vec3 from, vec3 to, vec3 color)
 Draws a line for a single frame. More...
void tram::Render::AddLineMarker (vec3 location, vec3 color)
 Draws a cross marker for a single frame. More...
void tram::Render::AddLineAABB (vec3 min, vec3 max, vec3 center, quat rotation, vec3 color)
 Draws an AABB box for a single frame. More...
void tram::Render::AddSphere (vec3 pos, float radius, color_t color)
 Draws a sphere for a single frame. More...
void tram::Render::AddCylinder (vec3 pos, float height, float radius, color_t color)
 Draws a cylinder for a single frame. More...
void tram::Render::AddCube (vec3 pos, float height, float radius, color_t color)
 Draws a cube for a single frame. More...
void tram::Render::AddText (vec3 pos, const char *text, color_t color)
 Draws text, in 3D space, for a single frame. More...
void tram::Render::AddText (float x, float y, const char *text, color_t color)
 Draws text, on the screen, for a single frame. More...
void tram::Render::Project (const vec3 &point, vec3 &result, layer_t layer)
 Projects a point into screen coordinates. More...
vec3 tram::Render::ProjectInverse (vec3 point, layer_t layer)
 Reverses screen coordinates into world coordinates. More...
vertexformat_t tram::Render::RegisterVertexFormat (const char *name)
 Allocates a new vertex format. More...
materialtype_t tram::Render::RegisterMaterialType (const char *name)
 Allocates a new material type. More...
vertexformat_t tram::Render::FindVertexFormat (const char *name)
 Finds an already allocated vertex format by its name. More...
materialtype_t tram::Render::FindMaterialType (const char *name)
 Finds an already material type format by its name. More...
const char * tram::Render::GetVertexFormatName (vertexformat_t type)
 Finds an allocated vertex format's name. More...
const char * tram::Render::GetMaterialTypeName (materialtype_t type)
 Finds an allocated material type's name. More...


struct {
   vec3   tram::Render::view_position = {0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f}
   quat   tram::Render::view_rotation = {1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f}
   float   tram::Render::view_fov = 60.0f
   float   tram::Render::near_plane = 0.01f
   float   tram::Render::far_plane = 250.0f
   float   tram::Render::ortho_ratio = 1.0f
   vec3   tram::Render::sun_direction = {0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f}
   vec3   tram::Render::sun_color = {1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f}
   vec3   tram::Render::ambient_color = {0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f}
   mat4   tram::Render::projection = mat4(1.0f)
   mat4   tram::Render::view = mat4(1.0f)
tram::Render::view_properties [7]
bool tram::Render::THIRD_PERSON = false
bool tram::Render::DRAW_RENDER_DEBUG = false
vertexarray_t tram::Render::colorlines_vertex_array = {}
drawlistentry_t tram::Render::colorlines_entry
vertexarray_t tram::Render::debugtext_vertex_array = {}
drawlistentry_t tram::Render::debugtext_entry
Spritetram::Render::font_debug = nullptr
std::vector< LineVertextram::Render::colorlines
std::vector< SpriteVertextram::Render::textvertices