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ComponentsThe framework comes packaged with some pre-made EntityComponents. Some of these components are convenient wrappers around lower level systems, others have some logic of their own. These components are:
Allows playback of Animations for 3D models. Can be attached to a RenderComponent. A wrapper around an audio source. Can be used to play back sounds. Controller for characters, i.e. player, NPCs. Accepts movement commands, i.e. walk, turn, jump, etc. A wrapper around a light. Used to illuminate the 3D scene. Enables the creation of particle effects, i.e. smoke, sparks, falling leaves, snow, etc. A wrapper around a rigidbody in the physics simulation. Maps input from the UI system into commands for a CharacterController. A wrapper around a draw list entry. Used to display 3D models in the scene. Can be used to display a flat 2D image in a 3D scene. Blank component, the source of which can be copied to be used as a base to create new components. A wrapper around a trigger. Can fire off callbacks when a rigidbody enters its volume. |